Travel and technology advancements have blurred the International boundaries and students today are global citizens. DPS International, Gurgaon is a melting pot of cultures, values and beliefs that fosters respect for common humanity and an open mind for a global outlook amongst its learners. Understanding one's own cultural context and appreciating the cultural practices followed by others, prepares learners at DPS International to become responsible global citizens. Respect for individuals, acceptance and acknowledgment of differences, enable our learners to have a deeper understanding of human sustenance and growth. Inculcating sound universal value systems amongst. Students are an integral part of the learning programme at school. While the curriculum and co-curricular activities draw attention to literature, fine arts, history and geography, subtle notions on leadership, social interactions and friendships too implicitly impact the school culture- thanks to a healthy mix of nationalities on campus.

We shape the cognitive skills, interpersonal sensibilities and cultural sophistication of children and adolescent who engage in local contexts by bringing in an international perspective. As internationally minded persons, we encourage them to action their thoughts through discussions and collaboration for a better world tomorrow. We ask of them to be emotionally sensitive to the needs of their peers, facilitators and the community at large. A culture of empathy and nurturing care compliments one of respect that enables them to make reasoned ethical decisions. The school is a happy place for all its stakeholders!