Board of Management

Mr. Ravi Vira Gupta served as an IAS officer and joined the Indian Administrative Services in 1962. He served in key positions at various levels in the Government of Madhya Pradesh and the Government of India and also served as the Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank of India for three years. Actively associated with institutions promoting education and culture, Mr. Gupta has been the key member of many educational committees over the years. As the Chairman of many international schools, he is all set to steer DPS International, Gurgaon on the path of holistic excellence.

Mr. Ravi Vira GuptaChairman

Ms. Vrinda Sarup is a retired bureaucrat who served in the Indian Administrative Service till 2016 December. She has worked in the Education Sector for nearly 23 years of her career, both at the Central and State Govt. levels and therefore has had rich experience of education development and policy making. She has been instrumental in designing and implementing major national programmes for school education like the District Primary Education Programme in the 90’s, the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan from 2003 and the new Vocational Education programme of 2014. As a practioner of education programme implementation and grass roots work with village communities, teachers and education managers in Uttar Pradesh, she has blended practice and policy making over the years.

Ms. Sarup has served as Secy. School Education in the Govt. of India in a journey of continuous association with school education, professional and vocational education.

Ms Sarup continues to be actively associated with the education sector after retirement too, with both the private sector and Govt initiatives in education.

Ms. Vrinda Sarup Vice Chairperson

An alumna of DPS herself, Ms. Jaipuria is a young and enthusiastic educationist. Her belief in relevant education for the children of today led her to spearhead many innovative educational programmes. She seeks to enhance the joy of learning among the young and views education as an opportunity for lifelong learning and as a means of fostering unity in diversity. She is an active member of various educational boards. DPS International, Gurgaon is her brainchild and she is all set to put it on the academic map of the world.

Ms. Devyani Jaipuria Pro Vice Chairperson

With over four decades in the service of education, Prof Sydney Rebeiro has blueprinted and steered several innovative educational projects. He has been the former Dean of Culture and Alumni at the Delhi University and was the only nonofficial Member Planning Commission / MHRD XI Plan ( 2007-2012 ). As Member Board of Directors U S Educational Foundation in India USEFI, (which has served 18,000 Indian and American Scholars) Prof. Rebeiro played a significant role in evolving the present Fulbright-Nehru Scholarships scheme under USIEF since 2009; also current Convener Oxbridge India Scholarships subcommittee and Member Central Governing Council Military Schools in India and Board of Governors Army Training College H P.

Prof. Sydney Rebeiro Member Board of Management, DPSI, Gurgaon

A well-known industrialist, social worker, and educationist, Mr. Ravi Kant Jaipuria serves as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of R J Corp and Devyani International Ltd. The companies have a vast experience in setting up and running Pepsi Bottling Plants in India and abroad. He was presented with the Donald M. Kendall Bottler of the year award, the highest honor to any franchisee. He entered the field of education by collaborating with the DPS Society to set up schools at Gurgaon and Jaipur.

Mr. Ravi Jaipuria Industrialist, Philanthropist and Educationist

An eminent educationist and philanthropist, Ms. Dhara Jaipuria currently hold the position of the Chairperson on the board of R J Corp. A visionary, Ms. Dhara Jaipuria has been responsible for developing renowned schools and institutions such as DPS Gurgaon, Jaipur, and Modern Montessori International. She has also been actively involved in bringing the revolutionary concept of umbilical cord blood banking to India with Cryobanks International.

Ms. Dhara Jaipuria Pro Vice Chairperson DPS Gurgaon & Jaipur

Shri Rakesh Kacker did his BA in Economics from Hindu College, Delhi (1969 – 1972) and his Masters in Economics from Delhi School of Economics (1972-1974). Thereafter he went back to Hindu College and taught Economics for 2 years (1974-1976) in the college before joining the Indian Administrative Service in 1977. Shri Kacker has worked in the Government of Tamil Nadu and the Government of India. In April 2013 he retired from the Government of India as Secretary, Ministry of Food Processing Industries. He has also worked in the Energy Research Institute (TERI) and in the Indian Wind Energy Association (INWEA). He worked as Director, India Habitat Centre from 1st September 2014 till 30th April 2018. He is currently on the Board of Directors of the Power Trading Corporation of India and ONGC Videsh. He is also on the Committees of the Ministries of Power and Coal.

Shri Rakesh Kacker

Ms. Anita Kapur, former Chairperson, Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT), and ex-Adviser on Tax Reforms with the Ministry of Finance, Government of India, joined Indian Revenue Service in 1978. Before being elevated to the CBDT, she held varied assignments in the Income Tax Department. She also had secondment stints with the Foreign Tax and Tax Research (FTTR) Division and the Tax Policy Legislation (TPL) Division of the Ministry of Finance; the capital market regulator of India i.e SEBI; and a division of the Ministry of Finance dealing with Financial Services sector. During these stints, she was nominated as a Director on the Boards of several banks and regional stock exchanges. She was, in her personal capacity as a tax expert, a member and Vice-Chair of the UN Committee of Experts on International Cooperation in Tax Matters (2009-2013). Her last assignment with the Government was as a Member of the Competition Appellate Tribunal (COMPAT) during 2016-17. In 2016, she was listed by Business Today among 25 most Powerful Women in India.

Ms. Anita Kapur

Mr. Varun Jaipuria is a Director on the Board of NSE listed and other companies under RJ Corp. He has 10 years of experience in the soft drinks & FMCG industry and has developed training programs for talent retention, development & upgradation, including capability enhancement across Group companies. He also has led the development of Varun Beverages Limited's M & A initiatives. He led a successful listing of Varun Beverages on Indian stock exchanges (NSE & BSE) in 2016. Mr. Jaipuria attended Millfield School, Somerset, England and Regents College, London. He is an alumni of the Program for Leadership Development (PLD), 2018-2019 Batch from Harvard Business School, Boston.

Mr. Varun Jaipuria

Ms. Aditi Misra is an alumna of DPS RK Puram. She completed her graduation from Lady Shri Ram College and her Masters from Delhi University in History and Education. She is also a graduate of the Principal Training Centre, Miami. She is the Founder Principal of DPS Gurgaon since 2002. She has served at leadership posts at various DPSs including Dubai, Vasant Kunj, and RK Puram. She began her teaching career at DPS RK Puram in 1985 and today has a rich teaching experience of over thirty years. Her interests include reading, classical Indian music, and dance.

Ms. Aditi Misra Director Principal, DPS Gurgaon

She is the founder head of DPS International school, and prior to joining DPS International, she has worked at the Aga Khan Academy, Hyderabad, Pathways World School and DPS Sharjah, UAE. She is a gold medallist with a master’s in science with specialisation in nutrition from Lady Irwin College of Delhi University. She has co-authored a book on nutrition. An active learner herself, she was awarded The Golden Leaf Award for the Diploma in Environmental Education from the Centre for Environment Education affiliated to Commonwealth of Learning, Vancouver. She is a graduate from Principals’ Training Centre and a trained IB Chair for school accreditations and a CIS and NEASC evaluator.

Ms. Rima Singh Head of School and Secretary

Parent Representative       Mr.Saurabh Chandra & Mr.Vishesh Saini

Staff Representative         Ms. Meenakshi Sharma & Ms. Manya Mehta