Message From Principal - Primary School

Education is a globally recognized need that is said to prepare young people for lives in an unpredictable and challenging global context. The definition of 'quality' however varies across parameters and populations and yet its deficit is palpable, making it the Achilles' heel of the education juggernaut.
Tomorrow is an intangible quantum that can hardly be predicted and yet we sometimes try to arm young minds with information that may cease to be relevant in the future. So 'What is the need of the hour?' Education surely is the human dignity imperative for the sustainability of all development. It must encompass the initiative that makes formal, non-formal and informal approaches effective, engaging and empowering enough to hone problem-solving skills and promote empathy. It could suggest 'where to look' without revealing 'what to see'. With 45% percent of the Indian population between the ages of 15- 25 years on the threshold of driving change in the future, the need for optimum education cannot be ignored. Children need to be educated but more importantly 'they must be left to educate themselves'. Critical thinking and communication' are highly coveted skills, built only with initiative and independence. A nurturing environment, a passive guide, and multi-sensorial stimulation are the hallmarks of a progressive learning environment.
"I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better" Maya Angelou's philosophy, could hone unique abilities and creativity in each learner, in the times to come. Traits that nurture every child to take her place in the world would always remain contemporary at DPS International. It's raison d'être equips Dipsites to soar fearlessly. Glory at the summit could never be sweeter post an arduous climb of self-discovery. An omnipresent 'instruction' almost always loses to 'initiative'....... my ode to education and life!
Principal- Primary School