Page 28 - BEATS: Secondary School Edition 2020-21
P. 28


                  YOUR JOURNEY

                                       An Inter-School Event

               earning is a journey that must challenge students   execution was to demonstrate their design thinking.
               to be curious and interact with the environment   If they need to become global well-adjusted adults, it
         Lphysically, socially, and intellectually to construct   is important we give them room to try outwardly and
          meaning  and  refine  understanding.  Enquiry  is  a   reflect inside, as a cyclic process. This being the basis
          precursor  to  problem-solving  that  gives  meaning   of our event, we invited several schools from the NCR
          to  personal  pursuits.  ‘Reflection  –  Your  Journey,’  an   and abroad to afford both opportunity and optimism
          inter-school event was hosted by DPS International    to  young  learning  as  they  try  their  hand  at  wielding
          as an initiative to allow students a deep dive into   a  brush, expressing  emotions  without  dialogues,  or
          communication skills and information that they gather   simply finding words for storytelling.
          each day of their lives.
             How they develop and analyse an idea, articulate its   — Editorial Team

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