Page 90 - BEATS: Secondary School Edition 2020-21
P. 90
he world has transformed
from being primarily
Tinward-looking to out-
ward looking. From countries
focusing on external affairs, to
increased interconnectedness,
another aspect to this is space
and the world beyond this planet.
Astrophotography is the skill of
taking photos of the sky to capture The first image is the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn.
nebulas, galaxies, planets, special Conjunction day (December 21, 2020) was trending on social
events, etc.. media, with many people intrigued about it. A conjunction is
when 2 planets (Jupiter and Saturn in this case) come close to
This is a unique hobby of Yash each other. But this time it was different. The 2 planets came as
Xavier of MYP 2C, and here is what close (through our view) as a fifth of the diameter of the moon
he has to say about it. All the images which in astronomy terms is 0.5 degrees away. The last time two
have been captured by Yash!* planets came this close was 398 years ago in the year 1623! The
next time this is going to happen is in 59 years – 2080.
Jupiter's moons
90 *Except background photo