Page 46 - BEATS: Secondary School Edition 2020-21
P. 46
a poem by Deepanshi Matai, DP 1
Blue or pink, garçon ou fille
Black or white, there or here
A world obsessed with binaries that confine
But are our identities meant to be defined?
My sister tells me she wants to be an artist when she
grows up,
She finds beauty in colours that erupt
She thinks that the best art isn’t hung up in museums,
it is instead everything we see around us: an interaction of
tiny parts making greater sums
Je connais une fille qui aime une autre fille
Maintenant, elle vit sur la lune
She tells me she wishes to leave home soon
Car il y a trop de cordes ici
I know a person. He wears skirts. She wears suits.
There’s not two of them, just one soul
qui contient des multitudes
Je connais une garçon qui vient du Mexique
Son accent est Canadien, et nous habitons en Inde: très
Il ma dit une fois: Je ne sais pas ou est le domicile
I called him Mr. Worldwide and on his face was a smile
Il y a trop de beauté dans ce monde
Et cette beauté existe dans un arc-en-ciel
Il n’y a ni début ni fin ni milieu
So stop assigning boxes to it, would you?
Bleu ou rose, girl or boy
Noir ou blanche, la ou ici
Identities are fluid and ever-changing
Undefined and made by exchanging
Parts of ourselves that we find pretty.