Page 42 - BEATS: Secondary School Edition 2020-21
P. 42



                                             A CAS Initiative

                                                                                          “Climate Change

                  any     students     have                                                          is real. All
                  initiated online projects                                                       around the
         Mand                    awareness    favours
          campaigns during the pandemic       f o r e i g n                                  world patterns
          given physical restrictions. This   animals rather than local                         are changing
          has propelled projects further,     Indian animals. Thus, a segment       and affecting people,
          allowing engagement from a wider    was presented to remind viewers of
          community.  Escaping  Extinction    Indian endangered animals which             animals, and the
          is an account on Instagram run by   were:  Indian Wild Arse, Gharial,  environment. To tackle
          a team of students of DP 1. The     Ganga River Dolphin, Clouded        this growing crisis, we
          purpose is to spread awareness on   Leopard, and Sangai, followed by        have to take action.
          endangered animals and those on     measures that individuals can take
          the brink of extinction.            in order to help conserve native         We have to change
                                              animals.                                             mindsets.”
             To commence this special
          assembly,  a  video  was  made        An interactive element that a lot         Dr. Jane Goodall, DBE
          showing    students    who    are   of students enjoyed was a short      Founder of the Jane Goodall
          animal lovers. This moved on to a   quiz, wherein students had to guess   Institute & UN Messenger of
          documentary to emphasize the        the conservation status of different                         Peace.
          role humans play in the protection   species (extinct, endangered, or
          of species. There is also a trend that   least concerned).

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