Page 15 - BEATS: Secondary School Edition 2020-21
P. 15

Art by Suhanna Khanna (MYP 1) for Art Competition

          and students showed their love and support for their   mode of teaching almost overnight. The main aim of   Making Competition  Winning e-card by Simar Bhogal (DP 1) for e-Card-
          schoolmates’ artwork in the chat box.                 the session was to spread awareness about various
                                                                mental health challenges that children can experience
             On the last day of this segment, students celebrated   and how they can maintain their well-being when they
          India’s successes, and paid tribute to the COVID      come across these challenges.
          warriors who have been the much-needed pillars
          during this pandemic.                                   After creating an understanding of good mental
                                                                well-being, the focus of the session shifted to emotions,
             Summing up, the wellness week was not only much    actions, self-esteem, coping skills and resilience.
          needed in the ongoing pandemic, but also extremely    Various mental health issues like depression, anxiety,
          fun for every student, participant, audience member,     addiction (social media, gaming, reading), self-image,
          and teacher.                                          body image, self-harm were talked about. Their signs
                                                                and symptoms, and tips to deal with these issues
             Steadily walking the path of wellness, we had our   when experienced were also discussed.
          virtual wellness session just a week or two later.
                                                                  As a fun and interactive way to end the session, a
             A virtual wellness session on World Mental Health   mental health checklist was shared with students for
          Day was conducted by Ashmit Ribeiro and Tripti Kaur   self-reflection.
          of DP 1. In the pandemic, the importance of mental
          health increased, as students had to adapt to a new   — Editorial Team

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