Page 11 - BEATS: Secondary School Edition 2020-21
P. 11




                    Secondary School Principal

                 ow do you navigate the landscape of a            BEATS pulsates with life and is bursting with energy
                 pandemic?  You can’t  do a  course on  it on     because the year that went by had an active bunch
         HCoursera or Udemy, you cannot ask your                of senate members who kept the student community
          grandmother or mother because they have no            engaged most productively. Student leadership at
          prior experience… so what do  you do? You learn       DPSI has never been as charismatic as it was in this
          from children... and as you watch them turn every     academic year with the gang of girls at the helm,
          challenge into an opportunity, every trial into       ably supported by a few boys who took the school
          triumph, you feel motivated to go on and do the       calendar activities to a new level. The richness of the
          same.                                                 experiences can be felt as you leaf through the pages
                                                                of BEATS.
             It has not been easy to adapt to online classes
          yet our youngsters did not only that, they aced         The digital artwork and page composition has
          exams, participated in inter-school competitions,     been carefully crafted, the theme of Metamorphosis
          did  all  they  could  to  fight  climate  change,  sang   unfolds  like  a  beautiful  butterfly  from  its  chrysalis.  I
          danced, acted, drew, cooked, and exercised (albeit    congratulate the School Presidents past and present,
          in their pyjamas) in a new normal way.                the Cultural Secretaries, and the editorial team
                                                                including Ms. Ruchi Singh, Ms. Shweta Verma and Ms.
             BEATS 2021, as always, captures the heartbeat      Preeti Singhal for this keepsake.
          of DPSI community and the several initiatives
          that students took in the face of this pandemic to      Enjoy this folks!
          keep afloat, to keep sane and to give back to the
          community as best as they could.

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