Page 79 - BEATS: Secondary School Edition 2020-21
P. 79
Interview with Best-Selling Book ‘Patna Blues’ Author –
riting often proves to be Who or what inspired the character of
an important and effective Arif Khan?
Wmedium for a writer to convey He is a fictional character. But, you
thoughts, feelings, opinions, and can find 1000s of Arif in the different
beliefs. cities of Bihar who are crazy about
Q: What is the influence of George
Orwell on your writing? How has the use of poetry shaped the
A: When I came to know that Orwell narrative of your novel?
was born in my home district, Motihari, I Since the main characters are
was inspired to pursue creative writing shown to be interested in poetry, it was
more seriously. But, my writings are natural to use poetry in order to give
different from those of Orwell. an authentic feel to the prose. Plus, the couplets and
poems have also been used to take the story forward
What are the prominent issues that you are or to convey important messages.
addressing through your portrayal of Arif Khan's
family? Any advice you have for budding writers?
I intend to show the mundane struggles of lower Read great books three times. The first time, to
middle-class families in Patna Blues. Additionally, my enjoy the story. Second, to understand the nuances of
story throws light on the conditions of Indian Muslims the story. And, third time, to understand the narrative
living in the hinterlands. structure of the book. Write every day without worrying
about the quality of your output.
Your novel has been translated into several
languages, what are the pros you see in this, and did Where should aspiring student writers look for
you feel something would be lost in translation? inspiration?
Through translations, my story can reach readers There are hundreds of sources from which you
who don't read in English. Yes, translating a story from can get a story idea. Some of them are your own
one language to another language is always a risky experiences, magazines, places you have visited, and
proposition and it is likely that the translator may fail people you have met.
to take note of nuances of the story or the cultural For example, my second novel, A Man from Motihari,
context of the story is totally missed by the person is an outcome of my visit to the bungalow in Motihari
who is rendering the story in another language. That is where George Orwell was born. Standing in front of
why I, myself, translated my novel into Hindi and Urdu the old bungalow, I just made up a story about a local
because I know these languages. boy who was also born in the same bungalow and
when he came to know about the Orwell connection of
Arif Khan is a man obsessed with clearing the UPSC that house, he began to believe that there was some
exam and also acutely aware of the stark caste and supernatural connection between Orwell and him. I
class divide. Do you think this is a great challenge in expanded that idea into a 100,000 word novel.
this day and age, too, in our country? In short, you are surrounded by the stories. But you
Yes, the class, caste and religious divides have need to develop skills to identify and translate those
always been serious problems in India. And, now, these stories into written words.
divides have become a very serious threat to the social
fabric of India. Interviewed by Keerat Singh Shah, DP 2