Page 77 - BEATS: Secondary School Edition 2020-21
P. 77
I believe that is great advice for us as high school patriotic and show it in my own ways, through film.
students aspiring to join such industries and the
next question I would like to ask you is how easy The movie was based on the events of 1971, what
or difficult would you say it was coming from a so- challenges did you face while making a time period
called ‘non-film background’ seeing where you stand movie? Which departments play an important role in
today? creating such a film?
I began after my college years in Delhi. Today, film It is quite challenging but that's the fun of it. It is
making and media is a good prospective line for young tough capturing the essence of a time that has gone
students like yourself. Back in the day, I would say it by, but that's the beauty of filmmaking. If you don't
was negative as MBA’s were the ‘thing’. Today it has get challenged by what you do then you are doing
changed. During my time, I wouldn’t say it was tough something wrong, at least that's how I look at it.
as my folks were just happy to see me work and not
fritter my life away. So they were really happy that I In the current pandemic situation where the world is
was doing something constructive. So I didn’t really changing like none of us could imagine, what future
have a problem and coming from Delhi, films were do you see for movies, especially cinemas?
never really in my domain at all. I love watching films as Well, in the next 6 months to year, we don't know
most youngsters do and that was really it. You should where we are headed. So, work is there, even though
do what you really believe in, what ‘your calling’ is as I the numbers are less in terms of the work that is
have been saying. So I didn’t want to do an MBA or join happening, but things are slowly going back to normal.
my father in his line of work in international trade and
rice exports. I then drifted into the so-called media How did you come to recognise your passion for
world and once I went in, I loved being there and not advertisements and how did that passion arise?
making films or creative works. I didn't recognise the passion truly. There is not one
moment, when I was in, it was just a journey. It is not as
Along those lines, would you say it was difficult for conventional as it can be sometimes.
you to pick the path of filmmaking which is relatively
untrodden and looking at your background, did you If I want to become an artist, what would you
have the conviction to follow an unconventional suggest?
career or was it the friends you made along the way As cliché as it sounds, don't go after money. It's a
that persuaded you? mirage, fill your creativity to the fullest first and money
I didn’t want to do the MBA, and I didn't want to join will follow.
my father in his line of work. Those were two things I
was clear of. The rest, I was unclear about everything What is the one message that you have for students
in my life and once I got into the line, it was really like us who wish to pursue Filmmaking as a career?
smooth. I just love being in the world of media. I really First, complete your schooling, complete your
love the art of filmmaking, and once I got into it, it was graduation from any good institute, in today's world
just smooth sailing from there. there are so many out there just to get it done.
However, the important thing is to be very decisive
The most recent movie of yours is RAW (Romeo and clear in your mind as to where you are getting into
Akbar Walter) — which stars Mr. John Abharam and what you are doing.
and the legendary Mr. Jackie Shroff. What was your
inspiration behind making a movie based on the
sentiment of patriotism? Interviewed by Avantika Chopra & Kabir Vohra, MYP 5
My father was in the forces and therefore I have a
great affiliation to the nation and the forces. Personally,
I am patriotic myself as well, even though I do not wear
it on my sleeve as some people do these days, I am