Page 50 - Secondary School BEATS
P. 50


    10.            THROUGH STORYTELLING

            Even if you change the colour of your skin, the blood that goes

            through your veins is still from those that came before you.

                                                                                 brilliant opportunity for all to
                                                                                 learn about her journey, her
                                                                                 successes and her challenges,
                                                                                 her  creative  process,  and
                                                                                 invaluable  insights  into  the
                                                                                 life of an influential creative.
                                                                                 She  also,  spoke  of  her
                                                                                 personal  experience,  telling
                                                                                 the  students  of  her  time
                                                                                 globe-trotting,  and  meeting
                                                                                 with  people  from  all  walks
                                                                                 of life.

                                                                                 Excerpts from the interview:

                                                                                 Shreya:  What  drives  you
                                                                                 to  be  so  passionate  about
                                             conduit for key lessons. She        storytelling,  and  what  it  is
          On  the  September  11             captured hearts and attention       that you love so much about
          2019,  Ms  Bongiswa  Kotta         with her unmatched skill and        it?
          Ramanushwana,  a  world            wit,  whilst  also  delivering
          renowned  story  teller  from      powerful      and    poignant       Ms Bongiswa: A story comes
          South Africa made a special        messages  about  societal           from  within,  it  comes  from
          visit to DPS International to      structures. Each one of the         the  heart.  So,  whatever
          mark World Peace Day. Ms           stories  targeted  auniversal       stories I tell I always ensure
          Bongiswa  shared  beautiful        experience,  so  as  to  best       that I connect to the story.
          stories  informed  by  her         connect to all the students,        So, for me to continue telling
          South  African  upbringing         and  invite  them  to  reflect      stories,  it’s  ensuring  that  I
          and  identity.  Through  the       on  themselves  and  their          spread  the  warmth  that  I
          various    conventions      of     lives.  After  Ms  Bongiswa’s       have inside, build trust, and
          storytelling  and  by  the         storytelling    session,   the      connect  myself  to  people
          holistic  utilization  of  her     students  were  given  the          realistically  despite  of  the
          platform, Ms Bongiswa wove         opportunity to interact with        challenges that I have been
          intricate tales that acted as a    her in a Q&A session. It was a      through.  When  you  tell
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