Page 121 - Secondary School BEATS
P. 121

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                            AN EXPERIENTIAL WRITE UP 23.30.

          As  the  car  pulled  up  to  my
          destination,  my  back  ached
          due  to  the  rough  drive  with
          the  constant  bumps  on  the
          way with the rubble causing
          not only the car to jump but
          also  my  bottle  which  made
          such a racket that I spent most
          of the time screaming at it. My
          mood and temper were as dull
          as the road I just left behind.

          The  road  had  gotten  too
          narrow for the Land Rover to                                                   Picture courtesy ‘Internet’
          drive anymore. I left my stuff
          in  the  car  and  got  out.  The   me, as if to show off the still      they could see their reflection
          door slammed behind me.             lake  they  were  so  proud  of,     in this pond.
                                              they playfully came close to
          “Sigh…….”                           it,  just  enough  to  tease  the    Can you feel the silence around
 Artwork:                                     water, but not quite touch it.       here,  here  where  the  walls
 Annanya Istwal  “Nepal was supposed to take   I could feel my feet level with     echo, ‘Who are you, why have

 DP 2     my breath away”, I thought as I     the earth, the rocks beneath         you come banging on this door,
          looked at the GPS on my phone.
                                              my feet that didn’t want me
                                                                                   do you have nowhere to be,
          This is where I was supposed to     to  just  walk  on  them,  they      and no one to be with?’
          come, the place was supposed        demanded to be felt, to seize
          to be around here somewhere.        where  I  was,  to  feel  what  I     It was maybe the sweet scent
          I walked about 250 meters as        was  feeling.  The  subtle  but      of the sap in the trees of the
          the sign said and there it was!!!     powerful green was just there      still  water  under  me,  or  the
                                              to  highlight  the  stone  stairs    single  flame  burning  in  the
          I  stopped,  I  stared,  and  I     leading up to the place I was        ashram. Or maybe it was the
          finally  breathed!  There  was      to call the Temple of Peace.         smell of finally understanding
          something  about  the  place        The bridge played its tribute        and accepting that I was truly,
          that  finally  made  me  relax.     to  this  temple  by  bowing         very lost!
          The  bright  ruby-red  leaves       down, guiding the awe-struck
          clinging  on  to  the  perfect      travels to this mystical place.
          mocha-brown         branches.       It did not matter who it was,                      Contributed by:
          Branches  coming  to  greet         all that mattered was whether                   Tripti Kaur, MYP 5
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