Page 103 - Secondary School BEATS
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                                                                                   child. However, in a country
                                                                                   like  India,  where  there  are
                                                                                   a  lot  of  social  and  cultural
                                                                                   traditions, you have to be very

                                                                                   Ms Sunanda:  We  are  very
                                                                                   hopeful for the future but of
                                                                                   course it’s all on you, today’s
                                                                                   educated youth. You are being
                                                                                   given  certain  tools,  certain
          be addressed at this level, your    can tie in with India’s views on     opportunities and at the end
          level, the privileged section of    abortions and the stigma that        of the day, it is on you to bring
          the society. All the power lies     it is, especially considering the    the change.
          over here and this is where all     new  movements  on  pro-life
          the policy makers and social        and  pro-choice,  choices  that      Our  Head  of  School,  Ms
          change leaders will come up.        women  are  given  in  society       Rima  Singh,  quite  accurately
          This  is  where  the  mindset       today?                               summed  up  the  session  -
          needs  to  change  as  what                                              “There  is  no  greater  power
          you do is what will percolate       Ms     Anchal:     We      truly     than  to  know  the  power  of
          below.                              appreciate     your    detailed      ‘No’. One courageous moment
                                              study  of  our  campaign.  ‘My       of changing a ‘yes’ into a ‘no’
          Ms Ruchi: Even in your own          Body is My Body’ is in fact the      can change your life.”
          homes,  as  you  grow  up  you      Singapore-based  programme
          will  make  that  change  in        that we are accredited for.          True,  that  sometimes  it  is
          your home and that will then                                             a  lot  easier  to  give  in,  but
          start that ripple effect, and a     Ms Ruchi: In Nahi Means No,          we  must  find  the  courage
          revolution, hopefully.              we  provide  education  that         within  ourselves  to  use  our
                                              empowers women. We believe           voice and refuse to do things
          Simar: Our research into ‘Nahi      that your body is your body          that put us in a position that
          Means No’ showed that one of        only, you should be allowed to       we  find  uncomfortable  or
          the slogans advocated for is        do what you want to do with          compromising. By continuing
          ‘My Body is My Body’. Can you       it, whether it means keeping         to do sessions like these and
          explain  how  this  movement        the child or not keeping the         other  educative  activities,
                                                                                   DPSI  wishes  to  prepare
                                                                                   students to not only find the
                                                                                   courage  they  need  to  face
                                                                                   undesirable  situations,  but
                                                                                   help  others  do  the  same  as

                                                                                                 Interviewed by:
                                                                                           Simar Bhogal, MYP 5
                                                                                           Rashed Nessar, DP 1
                                                                                             (Cultural Secretary)
   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108