Page 70 - Secondary School BEATS
P. 70
myp Science
Symposium From the
“Science knows no country, no religion, to the SAMAR JODHA:
because knowledge belongs to humanity
and is the torch that illuminates the A renowned photographer &
world.” - Louis Pasteur Real
The United Nations General Assembly has World installation artist
declared the year 2022 as The International
Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Photography is an extremely engaging
Development. In light of the same, students
of MYP 2 to MYP 5 of DPSI organized a one- activity for people from all across the
world: as a medium, it has achieved so
of-a-kind event: Science symposium titled In the activity, Journey of a Scientist, much in connecting diverse groups of
‘Inquisitive’ where in students from MYP students explored the lives and discoveries individuals and their cultures through
2-MYP 5 with scientific aptitude were given of important scientists, and thereafter their visual representation. Esteemed
the opportunity to present and discuss reflected on their impact on mankind
their understanding. photographer, Mr. Samar Singh
through dynamic monologues, poem Jodha visited our school on October
and comic strips. Another activity titled 18, 2022, engaging DP 1 students in a
CAS 9 Unleashed involved research and thought-provoking conversation on
collaboration where two teams presented understanding visual narratives in
their arguments to evaluate the implications photography for their Language and
of various scientific decisions. Students also Literature class. Mr. Jodha inspired
undertook scientific investigation to make students by illustrating the lengths he
important and relevant observations. They went to in order to be able to capture the
also conducted an investigation to validate stories of various communities, visiting
their observations using the scientific villages and socializing with locals in
method. order to understand their culture and
represent them. Alongside photography,
The Group Discussion activity provided Mr. Jodha utilizes different mediums and
students with the opportunity to dissect and art forms, including film-making and
examine the topics given to them. Finally, murals to address issues of community
the Sophionaire task challenged students growth and nature conservation. Notably,
with questions on various subtopics under his work regularly features at TEDx and
the three sciences. In all, the students’ hard platforms like the National Geographic.
work paid off as they successfully utilised
the platform to spread awareness and share
their knowledge and valuable opinions on
the implication of science through various
creative expressions.
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