Page 137 - Secondary School BEATS
P. 137

Beauty. Tranquility. Change. The color of the                                                         Dear Diary,
 leaves fading from a deep green to a mess
 of orange-yellow hues, enveloping the soil                     Today was the second day of the Rishikesh
 with an autumn snow of red foliage. Our                        camp and my group went for a 2 hour trek
 steps and uneven gasps sung in unison, the                     to explore the celestial beauty of the sleepy
 crunch of leaves under our thick hiking                        mountains draped  in lushful  greenery.
 boots adding to the jungle buzz of crickets                    Walking on small, slippery rocks and almost
 and bees. My eyes were everywhere, taking                      slipping on the huge rocks I felt like giving
 in every single midrib, petal and rock I came                  up. With these thoughts of giving up was
 across as I imagined the canopy above                          the urge to explore the breathtaking
 morphing into buildings. The bird’s chirps                     scenery and soak in as much fresh and
 turned into the beep of a car horn and the                     clean air as possible since the dreadful
 fallen sticks turned to garbage on the street.                 pollution level of Gurgaon burnt my eyes to
                                                                tears. The trail had the width of a pencil.
 That’s when I heard it. From maybe a meter                     Anyone who slid just a bit seemed to cause
 or two behind me I could hear a deep and                       everyone to tumble and suffer injuries. The
 coarse voice singing in an ironically soft                     hardest part for me was hopping over
 manner  that  enveloped  the  entire  forest.                  pebbles and attempting to balance so that I
 That moment was one of perfection. The                         wouldn't slip over them. Since I don't usually
 sleepy and dim streaks of orange sunlight                      exercise, it was really difficult for me to walk
 between the tree trunks and the soft whish                     without stopping. I felt ashamed since all of
 whoosh of the wind, created a picturesque                      my friends were moving so quickly and
 setting and a moment where everything                          could jump over enormous rocks with ease
 was perfectly in place. The music, the forest,                 while I was unable to. My friends encouraged
 the people… everything was quintessential                      me when I was about to give up since I was
 and, in that moment, I felt content. Beauty                    feeling so discouraged. After the
 of song. Tranquility of forest. Change of                      conversation with my buddies, I felt a lot
 scenery. As I stood on the boulder looking                     better  and  more  driven.Despite  slipping
 at the sun setting behind the curve of the                     and getting bruises all over, I continued and
 mountain range, it was perfection.                             finished the walk. We eventually arrived at
                                                                the most stunning waterfall, where the
 Despite the thorns that pierced our pants                      Ganga River's purest water poured. The
 and the heavy weight of the fog weighing                       sight and the sound of the river rushing just
 us down while we walked down the dirt                          refreshed me. Everyone drank water from it
 road, we made the most of what it was.                         to quench their thirst and the scenery and
 Tired from rafting, hot sun and waves our                      gushing sound of the water just revived
 skin’s golden tan rested on the rope chairs,                   me.From this incident I learned that I should
 small weaves poking us through our warm                        never give up and keep going. I hope you
 layers. The sun bid us au revoir as it fell                    do too! Well, good night for now, I feel
 behind the soft peaks and tall trees. The                              exhausted and just feel like sleeping.
 night cold surprised us but we stayed
 ignorant, preoccupied with our own                                                                    Your friend,
 conversations, lost in the circles of friendship                                                         Tavanya
 and card games.

 By Nandini Tyagi (MYP 5)

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