Page 12 - Secondary School BEATS
P. 12




                                                                 Head of School

               et another academic year comes to an end …a       makes DPSI’s mission such an important one. We
               year of achievements and victories, of facing     will continue to inspire and support each student,
        Y w challenges and reaching greater heights.             within  a  warm  and  welcoming  community,  to
                                                                 develop knowledge, skills and character, to build
        The challenges and trials of life make us stronger and   team spirit, instil ownership and responsibility, to
        COVID-19, the worldwide pandemic, has indeed been        increase the happiness quotient and strengthen the
        one such challenge. I am proud of the way the school     mental health needed to help each student to reach
        community  faced  the  difficult  times.  When  we  faced   their full potential. Astra per aspera. To the stars,
        events that were both scary and out of our control, we   through difficulties.
        borrowed strength and sought comfort from others.
        Teachers endeavoured to create safe spaces for mean-     I take this opportunity to thank our Pro Vice
        ingful conversations and engaged with controversial      Chairperson - Ms. Devyani Jaipuria, the Managing
        issues in sensitive and reflexive ways. The school pro-  Committee led by the Chairman - Mr. Ravi Vira
        grammes continued smoothly with new ways of teach-       Gupta and our School Director -Ms. Aditi Misra
        ing and learning and the online school was a steep       for their visionary guidance and support that has
        learning curve for teachers and students. Our teachers   continuously enabled us to soar higher with each
        strived to continue providing a holistic education to all   passing year. I also acknowledge the role of each
        students as far as possible through new ways of organ-   and every member of our academic and adminis-
        ising school events and assemblies and the students re-  tration staff who are ably led by their heads. Last
        sponded well with appreciation and enthusiasm. Last      but definitely not the least, my heartfelt thanks to
        few weeks of this academic year we planned exciting      the parents for their support and commitment to
        opportunities we could  bring back for  students, and    our school’s vision and mission.
        this resulted in almost three months of a fulsome return
        to school since the pandemic struck us.                  The contents of this magazine reflect the wonder-
        We at DPSI are now looking to the future with a sense    ful creativity of thoughts and imagination of our
        of optimism to continue to prepare our students for a    students. My best wishes to the members of the ed-
        VUCA  world  (volatile, uncertain,  complex,  and  am-   itorial team and all those who made valuable con-
        biguous). Each student’s story is unique and that’s what   tributions to make this edition of BEATS possible.

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