Page 44 - Secondary School BEATS
P. 44
As another academic year that requires critical thinking possible and safe solution -
comes to a close, we celebrate and self-management. Our to give the compost back to
the continued commitment students have successfully the people they collected the
our MYP students show completed their projects waste from and teach them
towards giving back to the under the able guidance of about waste management.
community. their mentors and with the
constant support of their - Explaining the importance
The first ever virtual parents. of the Indian Parliament and
exhibition of the SA projects its functions to the students
is on display on: Our students worked on a of an NGO leading to them
variety of projects. understanding how important
Service as Action choosing the right leader
- Working with ‘Share a Meal’, is and what this elected
Self-initiated projects an organisation where other
play a very big role in the than providing daily classes to
successful completion of the children to help them gain
the SA programme. These admission to a school, the
projects not only develop volunteers also raise money/
empathy and responsiveness funds for the people through
in our students but also donations, sales, etc. to
contribute to their learning provide them with sanitation
of various skills which can facilities, water, cleaner area,
only be achieved by stepping easier availability of food,
out of their comfort zones. health check-ups, medicine,
The projects our students eye glasses, etc.
chose varied in the choice of
target communities and the - Collection of biodegradable
mediums they used for these waste from residents in the
interactions. complex and composting
it for use in the community
With the sudden pandemic garden. Due to the covid-19
crisis and lockdown, several lockdown, the students were
students had to change their unable to complete this SA
prior planning and adopt a activity as planned. They
fresh course of action, a skill altered the plan to the only