Page 111 - Secondary School BEATS
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                                                                                                        GE –

                                       IN CONVERSATION WITH

                                                               DR MANU BORA                                  27.

          torn ligament untreated, then       sportsperson  has  requisite         because injuries mostly occur
          it can lead to the degeneration     knowledge and takes ample he         in  the  muscles  and  protein
          of the knee joint and the knee      or she should be able to avoid       helps to build them up.
          will start behaving like that of    any recurrence of injuries.
          a much older person.                                                     And  the  session  with  Dr
                                              Dhruv: What kind of a diet can       Manu Bora ended with all in
          Chahat:  How  would  you            an injured athlete take to heal      attendance enlightened about
          counsel  an  athlete  with  a       quickly?                             the premise of sports injuries
          recurring injury?                                                        and ways to avoid them.
                                              Dr  Bora:  There  is  no  one
          Dr Bora: I would tell them why      particular  kind  of  diet  that
          the  injury  has  occurred  and     can  always  be  followed  for
          how they can avoid it. I always     all  sports  injuries.  These
          stress  upon  the  importance       are  created  by  qualified                        Interviewed by:
          of  a  proper  healing,  rest       nutritionists  based  on  the
          and    rehabilitation   period      person’s  injury  and  healing                   Dhruv Garg DP 1
          followed  by  strict  follow  up    requirements.         Although                    (Sports Captain)
          of  a  good  stretching  and        generally  talking,  protein                   Chahat Aneja DP 1
          warm up schedule. Once the          content must usually be good                      (Sports Captain)
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