Page 110 - Secondary School BEATS
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those who play sports and are       and how do you treat them?
                                             involved in strenuous physical
                                             activity.  He  emphasized  on       Dr Bora: The most common
                                             the  importance  of  and  also      injuries  that  we  see  in
                                             demonstrated the proper way         children playing high intensity
                                             to stretch for various sports       sports like soccer, basketball,
                                             as many do not know what is         tennis etc. are knee injuries
                                             right and wrong. The session        referred  to  as  the  ACL
                                             also informed parents of the        injuries  where  the  anterior
                                             ways  in  which  they  could        cruciate  ligament  gets  torn
                                             help their child to avoid and       or  sprained.  The  treatment
                                             recover from injuries that they     is decided depending on the
                                             may encounter while playing         severity of injuries but a lot
                    Dr Manu Bora             the sport of their choice.          of rest and rehabilitation are

                                                                                 definitely included.
                                             Post that, he sat down for a
          Dr Manu Bora, a renowned           tete-tete  session  with  the       Dhruv:     What     are    the
          sports  medicine  specialist       previous  and  current  year’s      repercussions  of  leaving
          working  with  the  multi-         student  sports  captains  of       sports injuries untreated for
          speciality Artemis Hospital in     DPSI to answer some specific        example shin splints of which
          Gurgaon, took time out to host     queries.                            I myself am a victim!
          a session on ‘Health, Fitness
          and  Sports  Injury’  for  the     Chahat:  Sir,  what  injuries       Dr Bora:  Shin  splints  in
          students and parents of DPSI       have  you  come  across             particular  more  often  than
          on August 13, 2019. He shared      most  commonly  in  children        not heal by themself, but if
          content  that  would  benefit      indulging in sports activities      you leave other injuries like a
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