Page 9 - BEATS: Primary School Edition 2020-21
P. 9




                    School Director & Member,
                           Managing Committee

               is a very special number. It denotes               So my wish for our DPSI is that it should bring joy
               completeness or perfection. It is said, in       and ‘completeness’ to all its stakeholders, much as
         7 ythology, that after creating the world ,            music and colours do!
          God rested on the 7  day. The 7 day week has
          been adopted by all civilisations!                      I’m sure the school magazine will also do its bit
                                                                to bring joy to the reader! The unusual year 2020
             For me the number 7 has another special            has given many opportunities to children to express
          meaning... there are 7 notes in music! I believe      themselves in many ways. I’m sure these have found
          that music is the best de stressor! Also a natural    their place in the magazine. I wish Ms. Rima Singh, the
          phenomena that never fails to amaze me − the          principals, and the editors all the best for this edition
          rainbow – also has 7 colours!                         of the school magazine.

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