Page 11 - BEATS: Primary School Edition 2020-21
P. 11




                        Primary School Principal

                   e generally speak of a shift in ideology     ample time for caring, sharing and loving each
                   and values from one generation to the        other. Grandparents have tuned into technology like
          Wnext.  The year gone by shattered the                never before to facilitate the learning curve of their
          clichéd mind-set mirror overnight. It is posted in    grandchildren. Students have taken to technology like
          bold and underlined-rethink or perish. Rethink        fish in water- they have learned to ‘use and override’
          we did, and very quickly! Education made a            with equal aplomb. Inquisitive minds can work
          paradigm shift; it beamed into the homes of           wonders; very visible through the year!
          students. The table and chair were replaced by
          the lap of parents and comfort of the mattress.         It has taken a mere microscopic shred to turn
          Abilities and capabilities no longer hid behind       our lives around. As adults we have had to weigh
          expectations. Extending a helping hand and            our beliefs, review our actions and align to the new
          empathy underscored actions. Less became              normal in our lives. And we have learned several
          more. Simplicity became the norm as needs             valuable lessons along the way. Often at crucial
          superseded wants. Each one of us, young or            junctures we had no idea where we were headed, but
          old, learned to survive. For some early learners,     the hope of a better tomorrow led us on. We stopped
          school is synonymous with a screen each morning       to reflect and now see the urgent need to press
          for they are yet to experience campus life. The       ‘ctrl+alt+del’ to shutdown systems that are no longer
          clicking of keys on meeting links is the gateway      of use to us. Humanity across the globe has become
          to classrooms and friends. Sporting the school        one large family, boundaries no longer matter as
          uniform seems to be a matter of pride despite         collaboration and cooperation have become the grain
          every student outgrowing it... the shift is visible.  of our very survival. The Year of Regeneration it has
                                                                been and we continue to reimagine the future! Let us
              Family bonds have become stronger with            continue on this journey — together.

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