Page 80 - Secondary School BEATS
P. 80
Questioning Questions
WORLD The Theory of Knowledge exhibition held
on February 15, 2023, unraveled the
HAPPINESS answers to questions that many fail to
raise and fostered an environment of
learning and exploration. Living in an
DAY ever-changing socio-cultural landscape,
TOK encourages students to question
their biases and way of looking at life and
attempt to deconstruct societal
constructs of knowledge.
This year, students explored various
commentary titles and shared their
perspectives using three interesting objects
“Our world is facing major challenges, as evidence, prompting students and
and supporting people’s wellbeing parents alike to reflect on their own
should be our top priority. Kindness is understandings of the world.
the key to a happier world for all of us”
— Dr Mark Williamson
(Action for Happiness)
The Social & Emotional Learning (SEL)
Team at DPSI took this opportunity
to celebrate this day with full ardor.
Students from MYP 1-4 and DP 1 were
asked to share their ‘Happiness Mantras’
that showcased their understanding of
happiness. The day prompted many to
reflect on their well-being and identify
areas where they can make positive
changes to improve the quality of their
life. It was beautiful to see the different
activities that brought our students
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