Page 90 - BEATS Secondary School
P. 90
- Mihir Sardana
ilm is often an Ronit Khanna (MYP 4)
F underappreciated participated.
form of artistic expression.
One looks down upon it Our day began as we
for its mass proliferation took our seats for the
in the modern pop- opening ceremony, that
culture landscape, and consisted of a few words
many undermine the of encouragement from
storytelling capabilities the Director-Principal of
that reside in the medium, the school, and a guest
and often under-utilise lecturer, invited from
it. Thus, good films are GD Goenka University,
rare, and those who can an experienced
properly understand, professional, who had
and value said films are spent some time in the
even rarer. Therefore, Indian film industry.
Silver Fiesta, a workshop She introduced us, the
and competition centred participants, to the
around critiquing and various elements of film,
analysing movies, from dialogue delivery
hosted by GD Goenka to colour schemes, while
World School, on April aiding her explanations
26, 2019, attempted to with examples of
breakdown the collective popular movies from
pre-conceived notion of both Hollywood and
films just being a mode Bollywood.
of entertainment, and to
enlighten a select group Thereafter, we began
of 21 students from 7 to watch the movie that
different schools. From were to analyse. Titled
DPSI, students Manya ‘The Station Master’,
Malhotra (MYP 4), the film was short, like
Mihir Sardana (DP 1), the protagonist, and a
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