Page 15 - BEATS Primary School
P. 15
Primary School
Ms. Kamal Shah
The UN declared 2019 as the
international year of indigenous languages.
The move focusses attention on what
needs to be celebrated for all its diversity,
for language is the unique repository of
identity, culture, traditions and memory.
Multilingualism is a boon but must not
sound the death knell for languages that
thrive in unique pockets across the world.
Drawing on this thought, a child too
is unique and needs to be celebrated.
Popular yardstick is not necessarily
the benchmark for setting the bar of
expectations. Making time for a child
brings value both at home and school. As educators, we have
a responsibility to work toward a society where age, religion,
disability, socioeconomic status, political affiliation cease to be
seen as problems to be overcome and instead are recognized
as sources of strength. The adults of tomorrow will need the
skills and courage to lead the sometimes-difficult interactions
where their unique identities will let them swim ashore. A ‘lawn
mower approach’ that clears the obstacles from a child’s path
sets limits to his experiences that will throw up solutions in the
future. In the Dalai Lama’s words “… we need to educate not
just the brain ,but the heart too’.
Like an indigenous language, education is unique for it allows a
child to evaluate, enrich and embrace learning that will serve as
knowledge one day. We as educators and parents must partner,
for education is a matter of building bridges for our children.
Let’s celebrate learning at the child’s level!