Page 40 - Primary School BEATS
P. 40
My Life
Through Your Eyes
By Ojashwini Kumar (Grade 5D)
"It’s kind of weird- the name Phoebe Nagpal. An American name
mixed with an Indian title.” They say this right in front of me. Unlike
Giku Didi, they never even say, “No offence!” How rude! My name is
who I am, and I think you’ve guessed who I am. I’m Phoebe, Phoebe
Nagpal, and here’s my life through your eyes. Obviously, I start the
day by waking up- I do some dog stretches and make sure I’m wide
awake. Now, I’m sure every dog goes and wakes up their owner,
right? That’s the best part about having one, I think. I’m a dog, so I
wouldn’t know!
I wake up Mom and Didi. And now I’m hungry, my stomach growling,
like I do when I’m irritated. While my meal is getting ready, I have
two options: jump up in desperation, or sit quietly. I do both, to be
honest. I eat quicker than anyone in the family if I’m hungry, even
Giku Didi. That was a joke. She’s the slowest eater EVER. Anyway,
now it’s time for another nap… Zzz… *TRING TRING! TRING
TRING!* Sorry. Where was I? Yes, that was the sound of Giku’s
alarm clock, which is useless because it doesn’t wake her up. Rather,
it wakes me up! I’m a better alarm clock than the one that never says
anything, apart from ‘TRING-TRING!’. Now that Giku is awake,
she wakes up Tushi Didi. Suddenly, the entire house is chaotic along
with everybody and everything in it, including me. I add a little
topping of my own, asking everyone to play fetch with me. They are
never pleased when I do so. Then, Mom, Giku, and Tushi Di leave,
and I’m so lonely. When they come back again, I have so much fun
with them, but the very next minute Tushi Di’s on her laptop, Giku’s
chatting with her friends on Skype, and Mom’s asleep. Then I sleep,
have fun, look at the view outside, and play with Giku. When I go for
a walk, I have fun! I know exactly where the dog pit is, you know. The
WORST part about walks are the shoes. I bark at Giku, Tushi, even
the shoes! Even with the shoes on, once I come back, I have to wash
my paws. Like, seriously? OJ, Didi and Diva Didi visit a lot, so you’d
expect me to get used to it- people coming, going. But noooo! I can’t
believe I’m saying this, but I go BONKERS if someone else is here.
You have to treat a guest like a guest, right? I go crazy when anyone’s
around. I just love people. Whenever Ovi Di comes over, she always
holds me 24/7, which annoys me sometimes.
Also, I never got why some are afraid of dogs; even ones as tiny as I.
But in my long one year of life, I’ve learnt that… Zzz… Wait. Is that
my food I smell? Gotta go!