Page 140 - Secondary School BEATS
P. 140
Students of DP 1 and 2
travelled to Mukteshwar for
their CAS and TOK retreat. It
was a 3-day tip from February
8-10, 2020. The purpose of the
trip was to enhance their skills
in all three strands of CAS and
at the same time to connect
with nature, experiencing
sustainable living. This trip
engaged students in team
building activities that helped
them build trust with their
peers and also social service
activities. The latter involved
an expedition to a local village
and school and ‘shramdaan’
activities like washing cattle,
ploughing the field, cooking
and washing. Student reflection - twice before I leave something
Lucia Martinez in my plate as I know the work
And no… it was definitely not that goes into it.
all work and no play – because The villagers who hosted us
we all know, that makes Jack were poor but very loving and I used my free time to improve
a dull boy! Students enjoyed caring. For a full hour we lived my photography skills and to
various fun activities like rock as they would on a normal day socialize with peers that I don’t
climbing, rappelling, zip lining, cleaning the floor, transporting know so well. I enjoyed watching
archery and not-tomiss…a cow poo from the house to the views of the valley and the
snow fight! Students were their farm and cleaning out the Himalayas. The atmosphere
very enthusiastic about their dishes. We had some local food was nice, everyone was doing
overall experience which has which was nice. The experience what they liked and we were all
in turn created a positive focus taught me so many things such happy.
on the importance of service, as how much hard work it is to
learning and giving back to the gain one simple meal and going I believe that all of us should
community. forward, every time I eat I think have this experience at least