Page 104 - Secondary School BEATS
P. 104

Finding My Kaleidoscope:                                                                                                   “Gather round the fireplace children! Let me

                                                                                                                                   tell you all a story,” said old Sandra, Pulling up
        Unveiling the Spectrum Within                                                                                              a piece of paper made long, long ago. As the
                                                                                                                                   kids started to settle down, Sandra told them
                                                                                                                                   a story about how she was insulted for her
                                                                                                                                   gender long ago in school. “When I was a
        When I reached highschool, I never quite                I stayed in my room all day after school.                          little girl, I used to love being a tomboy! I
        felt  right.  Something  was  always  missing           Often reading e-books and listening to                             used to love the colour blue as well. It was
        when I grew up. Maybe it was because of                 music I had downloaded. It distracted me                           soccer competition day and I was so excited.
        the terrors of my home life, or the way I felt          from the bland, beige emptiness of my                              But, I overheard a few girls named Chloe, and
        when I watched romance movies with my                   room. The sound that echoed through the                            Rachel talking about something. Rachel was
        friends. But I'd have never guessed it would            ceiling every time wind blew through my                            the school bully and was very jealous of me.
        turn out this way.                                      stained window, the feeling of hate I had                          Anyways, they were talking about destroying
                                                                for myself, and the screaming coming from                          soccer competition day by turning off the
        During freshman year, I used to hate talking            behind my closed door.                                             electricity supply of the whole school! I had
        to my peers about their love lives. I couldn't                                                                             to stop my favourite day from getting
        relate at all. I never thought of a man like            I  remember  one  day,  I  was  at  Liv's  house.                  destroyed! So, I went up to them and said,
        that, but I felt like I had to. My friends              She had wifi so I usually visited there to use                     Don't do that! Some people don’t want
        always talked about their crushes. "He's so             my  laptop.  I  got  a  news  notification  that  I                soccer competition day to get destroyed!
        attractive! I wonder when he'll finally notice          caught from the corner of my eye. A parade,                        Rachel, the girl who is jealous of me and the
        me... Maybe I could ask him on a date?" Said            a parade to celebrate our differences. The                         school bully said “Oh of course! You wouldn’t
        my friend, Liv, who, I now realized, I had a            colors of the rainbow on their flags were a                        want soccer competition day to get cancelled
        crush on. She made me so happy, like a                  sight to see after being in my cream coloured                      because you are a *boy*! You like soccer and
        warm breeze in winter. I loved making her               room all day. "Hey Liv, look at this." I said to                   blue, unlike other girls here.” I was so mad at                                             Shattering the Stereotypes
        smile and we stayed friends throughout the              her as I got off her pink bed. "Ew. They're so                     Rachel to say that to me! But I was even more                                   Breaking the Chains,
        school year. I could never tell her how I felt          weird. Why would they do that? There are                           mad at her for discriminating the genders!
        about her; I knew how she'd react to it. She            kids there!" She replied with disgust.                             People should get equal opportunities no
        never approved of what I felt, and often gave                                                                              matter what their gender! It’s not that boys
        me a side-eyed look when I mentioned how                That was  my last  straw. "I'm  going."  I said                    like blue and girls like pink. It’s not that boys
        pretty the girls on the volleyball team were.           and walked out. I was never so confident in                        play sports and  girls do their nails. Both
        Who knew eyes could look so cruel?                      my life, but now I was sure where I wanted                         genders are equal and should get equal job
                                                                to go. When I finally reached there, I knew                        opportunities. All around the world, boys get
        Going home  wasn't any  easier. My  mom                 that  was  my  home.  With  people  like  me,                      so many more and better job opportunities
        loved preaching the Bible, sometimes, it'd              people with colorful personalities. I pledged                      than girls. Soon, we should change this by
        get on my nerves. The way she said (with                to never stop being myself. I was enough for                       bringing gender equality to the world!
        a cross in her hand, that in my opinion                 myself and that's all I needed.                                    Together, we can make anything happen!”
        was too graphic to keep at home), "Repent                                                                                  Sandra  finished  her  story.  Now,  the  kids
        for your sins, for only god will lead you to            By Aesha Eshal Athawale                                            started to make posters and flyers on gender
        paradise!" sounded so condescending. My                                                                                    equality. Sandra was so happy, as she took a
        dad was  never home;  he preferred  going                                                                                  deep breath, and fell asleep in her rocking
        out with ladies he met at his office. I didn't                                                                             chair.
        have siblings I could depend on, well not                                                                                  So, we should all follow gender equality and
        anymore. I had a sister, we couldn't talk                                                                                  never discriminate between a girl or a boy
        about her at the time. She did something so                                                                                based on their gender.
        terrible. It wasn't important as she couldn't
        help me. She never did.                                                                                                    By Dishita Bakshi (MYP 1)

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