Page 76 - Primary BEATS 2022-23
P. 76
Poems by Grades
3, 4 and 5
Such beautiful and fertile soil,
How it wishes to make its efforts worthwhile.
It is the cause of humanity winning,
It is the cause of mother Earth spinning.
It grows all our vegetables and fruit,
Supplying minerals and water to plant roots.
Soil is turning infertile,
Across the world from river Ganges to the Nile.
It is our responsibility to stop soil degradation,
So that we all can enjoy air, water, and ration.
The consequences of soil impurity will shake every
They'll range from wars and squabbles to non-stop
Together as a world we must save soil,
And overcome our fear of any sort of toil!
So please repeat after me-
Don't be afraid of toil,
Save our soil!
By Armaan Bhambri (Grade 5E)
Alliteration on cyclones
Celine went camping in Canada with cousins.
Classic circumstances due to climate change
caused Cyclone Candice. The cyclone circled
clockwise and cast chaos with colossal consequenc-
es causing a crisis. A coherent call was made with
caution to cease camping.
By Vivaan Mangwana (Grade 3C)