Page 197 - BEATS Secondary School
P. 197
Journey of E-Portfolio
- Dhruv Garg, MYP 5
DPSI had their first MYP 5 batch this projects in a way to make it efficient and
year and E-Portfolio was an integral effective. Another challenge faced was
part of it. E-Portfolio is not just an demonstrating our technical skills to its
assignment to be completed, it is an best as we were provided with the right
adventurous journey. It started off by guidance we could allocate our time
being introduced to a unit planner and resources in the right direction. This
which partially suggests what the helped the students to push themselves
students are expected to do. We a step ahead and take responsibility for
had engaging discussions about the their work. Students came up with high
possibilities of where and how this standard products which demonstrated
could be taken forward. excellent technical skills. This represented
how we learned to collaborate with our
As the E-Portfolio proceeded teachers and peers to develop different
the journey started to get more products serving our respective clients.
complicated. The challenges faced by Criterion C provided most opportunities
us helped us to develop skills such as to demonstrate our technical skills. This
Research which is the key element of brings us to how we served our clients
anything and everything that is to be which was incorporated in Criterion D.
done. We did extensive research on We learned the importance of clients and
our client’s issue and how it can be how feedback is vital for every task. Our
solved.This made us more informed communication skills were tested in this as
and we gained information literacy. we needed to communicate in the most
This was achieved as Criterion A effective possible way with the valuable
revolves around the same. Time sources of feedback that we identified.
management is a skill which we Reflection skills were developed, as after
all immensely honed by learning identifying the strengths and weaknesses
and applying the correct method of of our products we recognised how it could
planning through Criterion B, we be implemented.
have developed a life skill of planning