Page 149 - BEATS Secondary School
P. 149
- Kashika Lath
To mark the World day languages. However,
of social justice and because of increasing
International Mother urbanization, some
language Day, DPSI of India’s regional
invited a few drama teams parlances are dying. The
of Delhi University who second one was about
brought their Nukkad the corruption the Indian
Naatak performances judicial system and the
to school on February irony that surrounds
20, 2019. This medium justice in our country.
is an underrated and The third Nukkad Natak
demanding form of was about the unhealthy
drama. It requires the modern lifestyle we lead.
same acting prowess like This one utilized dark
other forms of theatre comedy and theatrical
does but the amplification, devices much more than
coordination and the ones prior to it.
organization have to be
much more powerful Despite their differences,
than that of a regular each of them carried
theatre actor. an important message
for our budding minds
The first one was titled in perhaps the most
“Zaban Samhal Ke”. It interactive and amusing
delved into the pressing way possible. It was a
issue of endangered treat to witness them and
dialects in India. India is it was enjoyed by all.
vastly diverse in terms of
cultures, traditions and
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